How to Succeed in These Four Categories of Life.

Here are the Tips on How to Succeed in These Four Categories of Life.

Have you ever noticed if there’s something you truly wanted to do, you find the time to do it?

4: Money

Money has got to be one of the biggest blocks there is. Money has so much power to control us if we let it. Here are a few action steps to take around having success in the area of finances:

  • What’s your story? We all have stories around money. It’s your job to uncover your story. Do you believe you’re not good enough to make that kind of money or do you believe only greedy people have and receive money? Do you tell yourself a story that only people who are better, smarter or more worthy will have money? Define your story.
  • Once you uncover your negative money story and self-sabotaging habits surrounding money, you can now write your own brand new story.
  • Start practicing positive affirmations around money.
    • More money is now flowing easily into my life and for positive reasons.
    • I'm creating abundance and I already am in flow.
    • I feel so excited about the abundance of money that I am receiving.
    • Financial prosperity is happening in my life.
  • Practice these daily, several times a day, visualize on them and meditate on them if you truly want financial abundance. It’s not a work harder/make more scenario. It’s about being in ease and in flow.

5: Life Purpose

We all inherently know what our life purpose is, but we manage to use several negative tools against ourselves.

  • Self-sabotage. The minute we feel we are close to success, we make excuses, we run back to our comfort zone,
  • Fear of success, we believe subconsciously that we don’t deserve success.
  • Making Excuses instead of making changes.
  • Allowing life to get in the way.
  • Not being aware of our own blocks because we live in a busy world with busy minds.
  • We Back slide and then feel guilty and miserable.

If you want to find success and pursue your life purpose, you need to:

  • Get out of your head and into your heart. Sometimes we all suffer from what is known as analysis/paralysis. We think too much and we don’t drop down into our own hearts.
  • Take time to be quiet and sit still. Whether you go to the beach or the boardwalk or the park, you need to schedule time in to be quiet. As odd as it may sound, scheduling time to be quiet will actually help you to get into the process of being quiet anywhere, anytime randomly.
  • When you sit still and get quiet, you can actually hear a little better than you normally do when there is so much noise in your head.
  • Take notes. Take time to journal your thoughts and feelings on paper. When you journal, you don’t have to worry about filters. You don’t have to worry about what people will say, respond or how they think.
  • Write your private thoughts, dreams, desires and wishes for your life purpose down on paper.
  • Get clear. Once you take on the practice of getting quiet and being still, you now have the opportunity to get clear. To clear your mind of the clutter. To make clear goals. Taking notes is a great way to get clear. Once you get clear, it’s time to take some of those action steps as previously mentioned.
  • Make a declaration. Once you are clear, start declaring your life purpose. Make positive and happy statements about how excited you are about pursuing your life purpose. Keep it simple, don’t elaborate and allow people to ask their questions.
  • You don’t have to have all the answers. When you don’t have the answers, don’t doubt yourself, just simply be open to finding the answers. Keep declaring your passion and purpose anyhow. The answers will come in time.

6: Prosperity

Have you ever looked at somebody and wondered to yourself how did they do it? Lots of people feel the same way about others who are successful. We tend to look at others and think they are lucky or they get all the breaks or their husband/wife/parent made it happen or they come from money.

When it comes to prosperity, it is vital to understand you don’t wait for prosperity and abundance to come to you. You create it.

Choose an area in your life where you want more prosperity. Is it in your career, your financial status, credit card debt or savings and retirement?

Once you’ve honed in on an area, take the following steps to create prosperity:

Prosperity is a mindset

Once you understand prosperity is a mindset, the rest will flow. Prosperity is not something that happens to you. It is something you make happen. Change your mindset around prosperity.

Your subconscious mind is solely responsible for all of your habits, even your prosperity habits. In order to tap into the power and leverage of the subconscious mind, you will need to work on creating new mindset habits.

  • Positive thoughts create prosperity. Your subconscious mind only knows its past history. All the stories, the negativity, and the events are ingrained in your subconscious mind.
  • If you allow your subconscious mind to rule the roost, you will see the same habits and the same trends without much change. Begin to reprogram your conscious mind with positive thoughts and, over time, this practice will show you how quickly and easily you can create prosperity and success into your life.
  • Take on the practice of positive thinking. You don’t necessarily have to make things up if you are not at that stage, however, you should take on the practice of what is working as compared to what is not. The more you focus on what is well in your world, the more enhanced wonderful things will appear and magnify in your life.

7: Spirituality

Success in spirituality comes when you allow and accept what works for you. No one can tell you what, how, when or where to practice your spirituality or what spiritual practices you should take on.

Spirituality success comes when you accept who you are and what works for you. Once you get beyond the mind and the ego, you can tap into spiritual success. Spiritual success comes from one very important tool – practice.

You need to try on many different things until you find the one or the combination which works for you.

 …NEXT:  Goals – How to Achieve Them Once and for All


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